Monday, May 11, 2009

Me, a Fearless Life Coach

I was so hang up about what I am going to write and so afraid of making grammer mistakes because I suck in grammer...I did not make a post even though I have been thinking about starting a blog for the last 2 months.

How funny because here I am practicing as a life coach, coaching and supporting my clients in moving pass their emotional fears which keep them stuck. Well, I was stuck for 2 months and I acknowledge myself for sharing this in my first blog post. You see, being a life coach does not mean that I have perfected the art of mastering over fear and thus, I will never feel fear. Being a life coach specializing in managing fear means that rather than feeling the fear and NEVER have the courage to EVER post, I am posting despite of my fear. That's the difference. In the past, I would have never took the risk and write, let alone post to share with the public.

Now, knowing what I know and practicing the tools I had learnt from the Fearless Living Institute (, and training as a Fearless Life Coach, I recognised when my fear has temporary taken over my life and I made the decision to take back my life. That's the difference. And, let me tell you, right now, as I am typing this out, I feel like my life is so expanded, filled with adventures that I have yet to experience. I feel empowered as I took charge of my life rather than the voice in my head, reminding me how bad my grammer is.

So what? I don't care! I feel FREE!!! When was the last time you felt this way? Let me tell you, it is liberating!!!


  1. Shirley, exposing your vulnerabilities brings a feeling of camaraderie to me and I'm sure to others as well. We all want to know how others view us. Well I'll tell you. You are viewed as beautiful and wise, I might add, person inside and out. Thanks for stepping up to the plate and letting yourself out there. You are an inspiration. I look forward to more blog. Have fun and kisses to all.

  2. Shirley ~ You have truly been a source of inspiration for me. I am so blessed to know you, and look forward to reading about the continuation of your fearless journey. You go girl!!!

    Hugs & love ~

  3. Thank you all for all your encouragements and love! I am so blessed and yes, I will continue to share my journey; my wins, my temporary setbacks, (which I am sure, will only make me better and stronger), and humorous moments.

    Love to all,
